Educational tutorials and working pipelines for RNA-seq analysis including an introduction to: cloud computing, critical file formats, reference genomes, gene annotation, expression, differential expression, alternative splicing, data visualization, and interpretation. - Genomic Data Visualization and Interpretation.
In-depth tutorials for the interpretation and visualization of omic data including: genome browsing and interpretation, introduction to BioMart, liftover, ProteinPaint, COSMIC, introduction to R, ggplot2, R Markdown, Shiny, GenVisR, differential expression and pathway analysis, variant annotation and interpretation, and - Precision Medicine Bioinformatics.
An end-to-end precision medicine analysis of real human genome (WGS and Exome) and transcriptome (RNA-seq) data for a hypothetical patient. The goal of the analysis is to identify personalized therapeutic options for this patient as well as identifying any prognostic or diagnostic implications in the data.Online tutorials (Selected)
Washington University Courses
- Special Topics in Molecular Genetics: Molecular Basis of Cancer (BIO5288)
- Genetics and Genomics of Disease (BIO5487)
- Human Linkage and Association (M21-5483/L41-5483)
- Genomics in Medicine I/II (M17-532/533)
- Cancer Informatics Journal Club (L41-BIOL5499)